One that will leave me way to close to a Micheal's my SFS budget better keep me in control.
And speaking of which this was not my best month. I've been looking for a while in my stash for the perfect thing for my nephew's baby, but of course I finally found it on-line, I resisted for awhile, but finally gave in. So that was blow one for my budget, (but it's awesome so I'm ok with that)
Then of course, no matter how much you have, there are always colours you need when starting a new project, I probably could have made due with what I had, but ended up having to drive my Dad to Kamloops where a Micheals lives, and since they are 30 cents cheaper than my LNS it seemed a good time to get what I needed for that, and for the Stitching Pirates next contest piece, a cute bunny that I got the pattern for years ago, and since I was getting that much it seemed to be a good idea to restock what I was low on as well. Strike two.
And of course as I was stocking up a realized I might not have enough bobbins for it all, so I had to get some of those as well, Strike three, but luckily not quite over budget.
So here's how it came out.
Tractor Pattern 3.99
Plastic Bobbins 3.49
Floss 11.73
Amount Spend: $19.21
But I also got a lot done this week
Cindy was worked on a lot mainly in pale colours but trust me much was done.
Since I concentrated a lot on Cindy, didn't get as much done on the
Tractor but still there is some progress, and as for the bunny, well I had the pattern, bought in a used bookstore 7ish years ago. And I bought the floss, and I had this cool fabric that arrived in a box from Alaska last year, and the bunny just started yelling at me, so I had to start it as well,
And what did I watch while doing all of this, well I'll tell you
The West Wing S06E01-08
Game of Thrones S04 E03 - Evil plots ahoy
Merlin S01 E06-08 And it wasn’t even about a magical poisoning
7+7 Up - The Next in the 7 Up series they are 14 and pretty full of themselves, like teenagers tend to be
Angels and Demons - Made a mistake here, I just finished reading the book (again) not taking into account that I’d be watching it soon. So I spent the movies kibitzing about the details, The first time I saw it, I quite enjoyed it as I had read the book several years before and forgotten the details. Still better than DaVinci Code but so is the book so that’s not surprising. I also despite being a fan, have never liked Tom Hanks in the roll, he just isn’t who Robert Langdon should be.
Xanadu - As previously mentioned, I love Gene Kelly, this is not his usual, more of a strange psychedelic 80’s thing, but there’s a wonderful homage to Singing in the Rain.
Easter Parade - A must watch at Easter.
Supernatural S09 E19, not the greatest ep, but it’s always nice to see Kim Rhodes.
X-Men: First Class - This is my favorite of the X-men movies so far, even if Kitty Pryde isn't in it, which she shouldn't be anyway so that’s actually a good thing.