The first month for SFS is over and I had grand plans to spend nothing. After all I have two projects on the go, one biggish, and one monstrous, and I already had all my supplies - I thought.!!! But then I hit a the craft section at Walmart (which is fairly pathetic, but still) and found the stitcky sided felt that I really need for finishing the bookmarks. And then I found eyelet which would make the bookmarks coole. oops.
And then once again it was the bookmarks fault. Stark went and used up all the grey that I needed for Cindy, so floss shopping I had to go. But I didn't get anywhere near the budget so all was well, I was just really hoping for a zero.
Eyelets for bookmarks $2.00
Felt for bookmarks $3.97
Floss - DMC 414, 415 $1.70
Total $7.67
Had to go back to work on Tuesday so stitching was slower these last few days. Greyjoy is a really fast one though so got a lot done, And Cindy is trucking along, got most of the quarter stitches on this page done now. Next week is going to be an on again off again week, have Monday, Wednesday and Friday off, which is tiring, so napping might win out on stitching, and if the weather is nice, I'm going out to take pictures, I haven't done that in way to long.
This weeks watching includes Jeopardy, Tabletop and
The West Wing S02 Ep 17- 22 And this ends season 2, and the finale of this season was “Two Cathedrals” one of my favorite episodes of television ever.
Sleepy Hollow S01 Ep 11-13 Such a great show, next season doesn’t start until fall, that’s way to far away, hopefully season 1 will be on sale soon, it’s a must buy.
Teen Wolf S03 Ep14 - 15. 3B is an entertaining season
White Collar Ep10. It’s been a good so far I’m going to hate to see the season end
The Mask of Zorro Movie and Directors Commentary & The Legend of Zorro - Commentary only
The commentary on this one is really good, I’m amused by hearing Catherine Zeta-Jones been called an unknown. But I really liked his comments on action movies, he says something along the lines of - action needs to be broken up by character development and humor otherwise all it is is slash bang boom which gets very boring - This is why I always fall asleep during Transformer movies.
How I Met Your Mother - somewhere in the 1st season. I don’t particularly care for sitcoms, but thanks to Netflix I keep coming back to this one, Maybe it’s just because I’m such a fan of Alyson Hannigan.
Supernatural - S09 First Born - Holy crap was this a good episode.
Wow, what stitching has gone on down there in Canada!! I agree you must get out and enjoy the rocks and trees and trees and rocks and trees and rocks and waterfalls! You have me wanting to watch How I met your mother again, but then I think that maybe I need to venture forth and view Teen Wolf....I'm iffy on that one but since you are my twin in all things it's probably good I'm just being stubborn about it! Definitely want to check out Sleepy Hollow time for more stitching as I wander through S2 of Dexter :D
Teen Wolf is one that you kind of gloss over the first season, because it gets a lot better in the second, but it's fun, and that's what counts. Sleepy Hollow on the other hand is flat out awesome from the start, and only 13 episodes so far. Hopefully weather is good for some tree and rock hunting. waterfalls are a bit iffier since I don't have a proper pair of boots.
Good job on staying under the budget, and some nice progress on your needlework ^_^
And some of your shows sound very nice too...makes me want to skip riiight over to amazon and buy a season here and a season there, only I still have sooo much more to watch...but I guess I'll have to wishlist a few of them so I won't forget ^^
Love your Game of Thrones bookmarks. And good luck with Cinderella. I've stitched one Teresa Wenztler big piece (The Guardian) and it took forever but it's gorgeous. I'm a fan of West Wing & Sleepy Hollow too.
Wow, what stitching has gone on down there in Canada!! I agree you must get out and enjoy the rocks and trees and trees and rocks and trees and rocks and waterfalls! You have me wanting to watch How I met your mother again, but then I think that maybe I need to venture forth and view Teen Wolf....I'm iffy on that one but since you are my twin in all things it's probably good I'm just being stubborn about it! Definitely want to check out Sleepy Hollow time for more stitching as I wander through S2 of Dexter :D
ReplyDeleteTeen Wolf is one that you kind of gloss over the first season, because it gets a lot better in the second, but it's fun, and that's what counts. Sleepy Hollow on the other hand is flat out awesome from the start, and only 13 episodes so far. Hopefully weather is good for some tree and rock hunting. waterfalls are a bit iffier since I don't have a proper pair of boots.
DeleteGood job on staying under the budget, and some nice progress on your needlework ^_^
ReplyDeleteAnd some of your shows sound very nice too...makes me want to skip riiight over to amazon and buy a season here and a season there, only I still have sooo much more to watch...but I guess I'll have to wishlist a few of them so I won't forget ^^
Love your Game of Thrones bookmarks. And good luck with Cinderella. I've stitched one Teresa Wenztler big piece (The Guardian) and it took forever but it's gorgeous. I'm a fan of West Wing & Sleepy Hollow too.
ReplyDeleteWell done :) Great SFS report! Mine has just been posted too.