WIPocalypse is back and like usual I'll have high hopes to post every month like clockwork (usually Friday's as that's my day off) and then I forget for a few months and do a mad catchup, luckily this group is very forgiving of such shenanigans
So to start with the first question Introduce yourself, your projects, and any goals you have for the year!
I'm Nancy, known on most random sites such as Deviant Art as Katjakay, I'm a baker in British Columbia, Canada and have been stitching for 19 years or thereabouts. I'm also a two at a time stitcher and almost always finish one before starting another, in other words my only WIP's are the one's I am currently working on. I have no UFO's, yes my stitching friends find this strange.
I usually put up what I have watched while stitching, in previous years this went along with my goal to watch everything I own, but I finished that last year so I imagine my watching habits will change, but I'll still list them all cause it is fun
At the moment I am stitching the Panna Elephants kit and I expect to finish it in the next few months,
I am also doing the Shannon Christine Peppermint Ridge monthly SAL I just received the fabric yesterday so I will be starting it as soon as I finish this ramble
I don't know for sure what I'm going to start after the Elephants, possibly a frog kit I got last year but I'll decide when I get there.
As For What I Watched
Critical Role and Quests And Chaos and No Roles Barred
Arrow Season 3
Arcane - I’ve heard a lot of good about this one and it is very well done, I know nothing about the game it’s from but I’m enjoying the story, I did like the first season better than the second though.
Wicked - It lives up to the hype, while it dragged a bit in some spots, the glorious ending made up for everything and I left the theatre on a high.
Moana 2 - As sequels go this was a good one, and this was the last movie for my year long pass, now I’ll have to go back to paying for my movies. I’m happy that this got my movie habit back after Covid got me out of the movie routine
Plus the usual complements of Christmas movies, The Muppet Christmas Carol, Polar Express and White Christmas