Wednesday, 1 January 2025

End of Year Roundup

It's time for the WIPocalypse year end Roundup and the question of the month is Recap your accomplishments for the year! (Your finishes, your final before/after photos, etc)

I've had a fairly productive year, the last week or so I've been working of the tree of the Panna Elephants

and this year I have finished 

Mill Hill Aqua Mist ornament

Mill Hill Halloween Owl

Mill Hill Fairy Garden


Diamond Painting Owl

And a couple new finishes, 

Mill Hill Snowflakes 

And a Baby announcement for my nephews new little girl from CrossStitchTraveler on Etsy

Can't wait to see what 2025 will bring

1 comment:

  1. You've had a great stitching year and I wouldn't be surprised at all if you finished these elephants early in 2025! The birth announcement is just so cute.
