Sunday 27 May 2018

May WIPocalypse

This will be a shortish one, I'm so close to finishing Fractal I can taste it.

Also being working  a little on the Celtic Cross

And this is May's Mini-Mandala

The question of the month is
 Where do you love to shop for stash? I have ONE LNS called Thread and Paper that carries basic supplies and run by wonderful people, but for anything fancy I have to go online,  and for that I have found Traditional Stitches out of Calgary while not the selection of 123 they have the advantage of no exchange and much much much cheaper and quicker shipping.  Also the customer service has been stellar

As for what I watched

Critical Role: and Talks Machina 

Supernatural S13 E15-23  Including the Scooby Doo crossover and the heart wrenching finale, after all what’s SPN without the cliff hanger finale

Avengers - File this under the I just wanted to watch it category

Thor: The Dark World - still catching up on missed MCU movies, this one is better than the first but I still prefer the third.  At least Jane is slightly less useless in this one. 

Ant-Man - Of course I like this one, it’s a caper movie.

Doctor Strange - Another of the I just wanted to watch it again category, this is such a fun movie to look at.

Captain America: Civil War - This is what started the whole I have to catch up thing, I knew I had to see this before Avengers so I would have a knowledge of what was going on. And look at all the other fun things that forced me to watch

Spider Man. Homecoming - I didn’t go see this one in theatres because I’ve never been a huge Spider Man fan and the last few movies didn’t change my mind, however this one was a lot of fun, I will go to the next

Avengers: Infinity War - About as epic as I expected, can’t wait for
part 2