Sunday 29 December 2019

WIPocalypse December Recap

Another year over, or almost and it's time for the WIPocalypse end of year recap, I've had one big finish and a few small, and am getting set to start another big, just have to wait for the fabric to come,
So here is what I finished this year. More than I thought I did actually

And this is my newest start, another baby thing and since the kid's name is George, I had to do a dragon

As for what I watched
Critical Role: and Talks Machina  

Teen Wolf Season 3-5

Various Christmas movies, probably the same ones as last year
Superman - The best one in my eyes, Christopher Reeve will always be MY Superman

Speed - Probably my favourite action movie, good story, good action and likeable characters it’s rare for an action movie to have all three

Star Trek (2009) I can’t believe this is 10 years old already, which is probably the last time I saw it, and I had forgotten how much I enjoy it, this is a great
Frozen 2: Highly enjoyable story and stunningly gorgeous to watch
The Addams Family - Found this really cheap and I remember liking it, so I bought it.  And it’s really good, The best thing about the Addams family is that they unapologetically love and support each other, which is really rare in most media 

1 comment:

  1. You've had a great stitching year, finishing not only one, but two items off your list! The new dragon looks really cool, can't wait to see more of it.
    And I really need to go see Frozen 2 already, but I'm just not in a very movie-going mood right now...
